Wednesday, October 20, 2010

We have great news! Last week we were offered 94,000 pounds (2 containers) of red beans for a delivered price of about 80% less than the current price of Honduras red beans.
There is a food crisis going on right now and the September / October harvest of beans in Honduras did not happen. The rains destroyed almost all of the beans in this country and that has driven the price up from 25 to 30 cents a pound to more than a dollar. Many places, beans cannot be bought for any price.
So, here is the deal! We are working with a number of children's homes to make sure that they have the beans they need to feed their kids until the next harvest. That will take care of the first container. For the second container we have been offered the opportunity from Bread for a Hungry World for matching funds. We need to raise a total of $10,000 to pay for the beans and the shipping. Bread has offered to support the need with a dollar for dollar match up to $5,000. Net - the hungry people here need some food, and we have a plan to help.
Use the link above to give through the Bread for a Hungry World web site.
Because of this, we will be able to provide more than 9000 households with beans for Christmas.
Working together, we can make this happen!
Be a blessing to somebody - Today!


Terry said...


Great news! I have been wondering what we could do to build on our upcoming trip. I will talk to the elders tonight about the congregation supporting this. I went to the website but did not see a place to donate to this specific project. Did I miss it? I will need a bit more information so send me a message when you can.

May God bless your efforts.

Yours in Him,

Terry Gillim

Unknown said...

Bobby Moore Bread for a Hungry World. Just go to
click on donate
check the honduras box and then in the comments write Beans...

Thanks again-
