Saturday, November 10, 2007

Six Billion

No matter how you look at numbers, a billion is a lot of whatever you are counting. A billion is one thousand million. I remember a joke once that described how big a billion dollars is - the guy said if you gave your wife a million dollars and told her she could spend $3000 a day and that she couldn't come back till the money was gone - she would be gone about a year...if you gave her a $Billion$ and the same instructions she would be gone about 1,000 years. A billion is a lot and when you count people, there are 6 billion of us on the planet.
Thinking about this creation that our God made and all of the people that are here is hard to comprehend. Just think about it. Our God knows all of us by name. He knows our thoughts, our needs, our joys, and our needs. From human terms, just saying the names of every human on earth would be an impossible task for any human - just saying one name every second would require 190 years to name the 6 billion people living right now. Impossible even to comprehend how a God could know all of us or even why he would care about our little problems or issues. But our great big God - the creater of the universe knows us better than any human. He knows our good stuff and all of the bad stuff. Knowing this He still loves us and listens to our crys - our prayers. He answers prayers and I am constantly amazed at the answers that he provides. Just lately, his answers have been unmistakable -
  • At Casa we were short of help. We prayed one day and within 24 hours there was answers that help was on the way. Karen's mom and one of her friends came for 10 days. Another volunteer emailed and said that she wanted to come for 2 months.
  • The van for the children's home has a transmisson problem that will cost more than $2000 to repair. We prayed and within days, a person that has never given to Casa sent me an email that he was sending a check for $2000 - that we can use for anything that we might need.
  • Pamela - one of the children at Casa needs an examination by a foot specialist and within days of praying, I met a Dr that specializes in surgery of feet and ankles. He agreed to see and treat Pamela for free.
  • Terri and I have prayed for something to happen with the sale of our house. Just last night we recieved and offer to lease our house for the next 3 years. Not a sale but definately and answered prayer.

This list could go on and on. Our God knows our names and has chosen us to be his adopted children. No longer orphans - since we are his children, he spoils us just like we do our own kids.

We are blessed and our Father wans us to share the love.

Go and be a blessing to somebody today. Be the hands and feet of God in an answered prayer. Look for ways to serve the creator of the universe.


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