Thursday, July 12, 2007

Month ONE

Yesterday was the one month anniversary of coming to Honduras. I now have the best job in the world and in a week, it will only get better. Terri will be here with 85 of my closest friends and will be staying until I return on August 5th. I have missed having my wife here and am blessed that we enter this ministry together. Since we made this decision in February, Terri has been 100% comitted to making this her life work.
The past month has flown by and I will be writting a complete summary of the events of all of the TORCH Teams sometime after August 5th. Just know that there are 100's of people of all ages that have experienced a lifechanging time during the work that is happening in Honduras. Removing yourself from the traps of the world is exactly what it takes for many of the changed lives to come face to face with their Savior. Many see Jesus in Honduras and for a lot of people, it is the first real face to face experience that they have ever had. I was blessed to see Jesus face to face this afternoon. My interns and I went to a village called Villa San Francisco to build a house for a friend of Hannah Sawyer (sister of one of my interns). When we finished the house I looked into the eyes of Jesus - he told us that "whatever you did for the least of these brothers of mine, you did it for me!" I saw Jesus in the eyes of the lady that has a new house and in the eyes of her children.

1 comment:

memphis belle said...

I still have not had a coke that tasted as good as the Coke from Wendy's you bought me. Yum!!
-Leslie Woods